Corporate Stewardship

Columbia’s stewardship initiative has been a part of our culture for years. With a corporate history dating back to 1877, we are acutely aware of our impact on the community we live in and the communities we serve.
Our commitment to sustainability through recycling is mirrored in the products we make, the manufacturing processes we utilize and the fundamental core values of our company. The following outlines some of our environmental achievements:
- Elimination of 100% of all V.O.C.’s with our painting operation that is 100% powder coating.
- Reduction of water usage from 150,000 gallons/day to 3,000 gallons/day.
- Using 100% recycled wood flour in hard plastic seats, backs and tops.
- Using up to 25% recycled post industrial products in soft plastic components.
- Recycling 100% of excess wood products and pallets.
- Recycling 100% cardboard and paper products.
- Recycling 100% of scrap steel.
- Recycled wood and paper products are converted to fuel cell cubes replacing coal in power generator plants.

Our award winning state-of-the-art plating line is the first and only 100% closed loop plating operation within our industry. Exterior nickel chrome plating achieved via a comprehensive multi-stage cleaning and etching process prior to a chrome over nickel plating finish.

All Columbia product calling for paint is applied using our powder coat process, a completely environmentally sound method resulting in a textured finish of pure epoxy blend resins that FAR exceeds standard powder coat finishes.

In addition to company wide recycling efforts in our manufacturing and packaging processes, we are proud of our partnership with a local company that converts all our waste wood and paper products into fuel cell cubes that replace coal in power generator plants.